Let us catch the wind and allow our spirits to be cast away, embarking to destinations uncharted, the valour of adventure teamed with a thrill of the unknown.
Endless possibilities await those who possess the courage for mapping their own journey. New frontiers rouse images of messages in cloudy bottles, old sailor’s maps or nautical charts decorated with ornate compass stars, and mythical creatures of the deep depicted in faded ink on yellowed papers.
This Fall is all about the journey, the sense of discovery and the way our destination widens our eyes, fills our hearts and challenges our perspectives. Banded together with local and international artists and artisans, Island Odyssey yields a fruitful assortment of all-new wears, shapes and accessories, including hand crochet and embroidery stories in collaboration with Soko in Kenya, and pencil sketches of relic bottles drawn by artist Chesca Athas.

Additionally, Alémais worked closely with Adam Lester to interpret the Australian artist’s unique visual language on a host of new designs. Inspired by the way that travel invokes nostalgia, and how various modes of transport connect us as individuals, the explorations through colour and texture are motivated by the mementos, memories and musings we carry home with us.
Island Odyssey is an ode to the paths you’ll cross, the faces you’ll meet, the forks in the road that lead you in new directions.

FALL '24
Creative Director: Lesleigh Jermanus
Photographer: Geroge Antoni
Motion: Claudia Morehead
Stylist: Caroline Tran
Digi Operator: Jon Calvert
Makeup Artist: Isabella Schimid
Hair Stylist: Darren Borthwick
Photo Assistant: Marcus Solomon
Photo Assistant: Tom Spence
Motion Assistant: Sara Aoi Vicedomini
Stylist Assistant: Nichhia Wippel
Talent: Lili Summer
Talent: Eva Hardwick
With special thanks to Tourism Australia